Grass Paver

grass pavers

Grass pavers allow you to park, drive, walk, ride, or lounge on a beautiful grass surface. It performs the functions of asphalt or concrete pavement, but with the aesthetics of a lawn.

All while enhancing the environment.

Benefits of Grass Paver:

  • Permious Load Bearing Surface
  • Stormwater Pollution Filtration and Treatment
  • Airborne Dust Capture and Retention
  • Heat Energy Reflection Reduction, “Cool” Surface
  • Tree Growth within Parking Areas
  • 100% Real Grass Coverage
  • Large Rolls for Easy Installation
  • Competitive Advantages over other turf pavers

Application/ Uses of Grass Paver

 A grass paver system can have multiple uses, including;

  •  driveways
  •  fire lanes
  • roads
  • parking areas and
  • walkways

Here are a few examples:

  •  A hidden driveway that is indistinguishable from the lawn;
  • Extra parking spots for family and friends on special occasions;
  • A secondary driveway leading to a garage or utility building;
  • Parking area for a small business;
  • Auxiliary parking for fairgrounds, concert halls and other locations that looks like a lawn when it is not used;
  • Fire lanes for commercial buildings that discourage parking by resembling grassy areas;
  • Roadways for golf carts and off-road vehicles; and
  • Parking spots for recreational vehicles or camping trailers.

Grass Pavers – A Future of Beautiful, Eco-Friendly Pavements

It Gives You Sustainability

 It Has Better StormWater Management

 It’s Easy to Install

 It Has Higher Strength

 It Offers More Versatility